Fashion N FaceBeatz N Da Ville
According to a voting via Temptalia, a lipstick remains on your lips from 1-2 hours. Well, not in my product line, #LipMode.
Again, ours are lip hybridz so they're a cross between a high end gloss and a lipstick; not exactly the same thing. Also the lip hybridz here @ #LipMode are very moisturizing but yet easy to remove. Easy to remove is totally different from easy to #Smudge.
The picture below was taken AFTER the #BLEAKPARTY2017 shenanigans. I can assure you this annual festivity lasted well over 1-2 hours. Actually, it was taken during what was deemed as bedtime; #PartysOverMaam.
That #RedTho is still in tact on #DemLipz. And, #LipMode wouldn't have it any other way. Again, shout out to my BFF, Seanie Urrego (FB name) for posting this pic. She knows a quality product when she has one.
Also, hit Seanie Urrego on FB for your favorite shoe fetishes via Envious Shoe Boutique. Only if yo #ShoeGame is 💪💪💪, tho.